We provide many services and programs meant to address the various developmental deficits, maladaptive behaviors, and social/personal adjustment difficulties that many of our clients possess. We wish to help our clients integrate in with society in a healthy and positive way, and offering behavioral services serves to create a more stable environment for the individuals.
Group homes and intermediate care facilities provide a community environment where individuals living in the residence receive habilitation, training, and supervision 24 hours a day based on the level of care of each individuals needs.
Community Residencies provide each individual with the opportunity to create lasting relationships and help support themselves and those they live with.
Where residential habilitation is performed in home an often throughout all hours of the day, day habilitation is short-term care provided for individuals who would normally have family member or caretaker. Day habilitation can both happen at home or in separate facility depending on the needs of the individual as well as the family, and it can also be offered as a way to integrate therapy into the individual’s daily routine.